Killer Discovery
This is just a quick reminder to everybody that asking for permission to ask questions can be weaved throughout your entire sales cycle. I think that asking for permission to ask questions as a core, fundamental, underlying piece to how you think about discovery is extremely powerful and quite effective. Obvious examples. "Hey Bob, would it be right if I share a high level agenda of what I had in mind for today's call." "Bob, would it be okay if I shared how we might be able to help you? "Bob, would it be okay if I asked you a very direct question about that?" "Bob, I recognize I'm asking a lot of questions here. Would it be okay if I ask maybe three more questions just to make sure that can pinpoint you in the right direction as part of our offering?" "Bob, with your permission, do you think it makes sense for us to speak further on another call and bring some of the other focus on your team?" Just keep asking for permission to do things. I mean, it doesn't stop. Having a very inviting thought process around how you converse with your prospect will make them want to speak with you more. Thanks for listening.