
Blogger Insights Videos

December 04, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Charles Muhlbauer

Killer Discovery


It's pretty normal to feel uneasy attempting to ask a prospect how committed they are to fixing an issue. And simply asking a prospect how committed they are to fixing an issue can feel awkward because they can just lie to you, quite frankly, or they'll give you some sort of roundabout answer. So when trying to gauge prospects on how committed they are on fixing an issue, one type of question which works in many other instances is what I call the "two bucket question." And that sounds something like this. "So just to give you some context, whenever I speak with prospective clients, they usually fall into one of two buckets, Bucket # one, is they something like 'Charles, to be direct with you, This is something that we really wish we could have fixed like six months ago, because x, y and z has started happening and we can't afford to do that anymore.' Or they fall into bucket number two where they say something like 'Charles, ideally we'd like to fix it. But the truth is, if we don't address it in the next 12 months we'll be fine.' Which bucket would you say you're at?" That's a very direct way of asking the question, but it includes a wonderful way of positioning and framing the question so that you're providing value, giving them context and enhancing their probability of actually answering the question. Come up with your own two bucket question on any topic and it will significantly help you. Thanks for watching.

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