
Georgie Elson for Thank a Care Worker!

September 27, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Georgie Elson

What is your name? What region of Ohio do you live in?

Georgie Elson: Hi, I'm Georgie Elson and I live in Greene County, Ohio.

Who is the care worker you would like to thank? Why are you grateful for them? How do they help you or others?

Georgie Elson: I would like to thank my personal care aide for helping me run my errands and taking me to my doctor's appointments all across the state and sometimes out of the state. And I'd like to thank my personal care aide Chi for helping me keep things organized clean and picking up the stuff. I drop like 10 to 15 times a day. And I'd like to thank my home health nurse Heather for helping me keep my line infection free and respecting how picky I am about my line and keeping me out of the hospital.

Anything else you would like to share regarding our care workers and other DSPs and your gratitude for them?

Georgie Elson: I'm just really grateful to have direct care workers when they do so much work for such little pay. And so many other people in this state do not have their hours filled and do not have enough care workers. So I just feel really glad to have the care workers that I do have and I hope things get better for them in the future. So they will stay in the field and more will join the field.

Produced with Vocal Video