
Disability Rights North Carolina

June 12, 2023

A nonprofit law firm that defends and advances the civil rights of people with all types of disabilities, of all ages, throughout NC, in the face of tremendous adversity

Video Transcript

Speaker: Iris Green

Iris Green: Hi, I am Iris Peoples Green. I am the Director of Constituent Services at Disability Rights in North Carolina.

Iris Green: The disability community is a diverse group of people who share common experiences of living with a physical, sensory, intellectual or mental health challenge. We are people of all ages, genders, races, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds. The defining characteristic of the disability community is navigating a world that is often designed for people without disabilities. This results in barriers and access

Curtis Hill: Hello, my name is Curtis Hill. I am an outreach advocate for Disability Rights North Carolina. I assist with Project ACCESS which is All Communities Count Equitably for Safety and Support.

Curtis Hill: Disability Rights has a varied toolbox in which we're able to use to help address the obstacles that people with disabilities encounter. One of those areas is looking at the systemic nature of the situation and trying to figure out how to advocate for policy changes that greatly affects the masses of people with disabilities. Also, Disability Rights uses advocacy as a tool. We're able to tell folks about their individual rights and help them advocate.

Produced with Vocal Video