
Matt Lynn for Tell us how we did!

March 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Matt Lynn

What problems were you facing before working with us?

Matt Lynn: Before working with dirt legal, I had a off-road motorcycle that I could only ride in select areas. And um I didn't want to be limited by just those options. So I contacted dirt legal and they were able to give me registration and now I can connect the pieces of off-road riding areas that I want. I can connect those together legally. And um yeah, it's great.

How come you chose Dirt Legal?

Matt Lynn: I chose dirt legal. Um, actually I've known about him for a little bit and, uh, I didn't, I wasn't quite sure how it all worked and, and everything along those lines. And I actually my buddy and I were talking and he needed to get his bike registered. And so I said, hey, jump on over and take a look at this website. Um And so he kind of pulled the trigger on it first and then I pulled the trigger uh, on it to, uh go ahead and get my bike registered. So it worked out great. Um Part of the reason I wanted to go with uh a company like dirt legal was they handle all the paperwork, they handle everything, they send everything in a nice package. You feel like you have a representative and it kind of takes some of the stress out of uh communicating with the DMV. Uh and in certain areas where maybe you don't know what type of piece of paper you need. Um, they're there and they answer all of your questions for you. And so that's really what turned me to dirt legal was, uh, just being able to have that person that you could contact um if you had any questions and, and just all the information that they provide, it made the process super easy to get. Uh my motorcycle registered.

How are you using your vehicle now?

Matt Lynn: So how am I able to use my vehicle now? Well, now I'm, uh, I have a tag on it and I'm able to, uh, ride instead of having to load it up in a truck and get to where I want to go. I'm able to ride that vehicle, uh, my dirt bike to the places that I wanna ride, um, or if I wanna load it up and go to a riding area and maybe I'm not sure if it, if I need to have a tag or some sort of registration, now I'm legal because I have a tag and it's, uh, if I wanna ride on any kind of forest service roads or anywhere where you do have to have registration. Um, I have that now and so it takes that, uh, kind of worry of, of what you, what you need, what kind of pass you need or, or something along those lines, uh, in those areas, it takes that away and, and now I know that, hey, I have a tag. So I'm basically, uh, basically a vehicle like what you would have on the highway and, um, I'm able to connect those riding areas together that I want or uh connect some of those trails, maybe that uh where you do need a tag. Um So it's, it's, it's a nice piece to have that kind of in your, in your pack. You know, you have your registration slip, the tag on the bike. Uh It's great. So highly recommend it.

Produced with Vocal Video