
Jordan Deapen for Tell us how we did!

January 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jordan Deapen

What problems were you facing before working with us?

Jordan Deapen: Hey, what's up? Everyone just wanted to do a quick review on this dirt legal thing and talk about some of the issues that I had before I found them trying to get my dirt bike street legalized. And obviously the biggest hassle, especially coming out of Texas is uh working with the DMV, weren't having it. And uh also trying to talk to people online forums and basically shutting me down saying it, it's possible you can't do it. You just need to buy a street legal motorcycle. It's way easier, way cheaper. I even went the route of looking at buying frames on ebay with the title and doing the change over and everything. Apparently that's illegal, can't even do that. So, um I had pretty much given up on the process until a body of mine sent me the link for dirt. Legal said, hey, dude, you know, you've been trying to get this thing legalized, check this, check these guys out and um I shot him a message they got right back to me. I told him what I had if we can get you squared up. So um long story short, long story short, I'm glad I did and I'm sure I'm happy to have this thing up and running on the road. So, thanks for.

How come you chose Dirt Legal?

Jordan Deapen: Hey, what's up? Everyone just want to talk about. The reason that I chose the dirt legal route is uh because I couldn't find out any other way to get this thing done. Uh Getting my 2 20 Street legal Eye and uh buddy has sent me a link says, uh do you check them out? They seem legit. I did a little bit of research, right? Contact them. They got right back to me. I told him what I had and I said, dude, we can get you squared up. No problem. So, um I'm really glad I went that route and uh really glad they're around because I was about to give up on uh doing any more research to get this thing uh street legal or anything. So, um I'm, I'm really glad that they came across and uh I hope they stick around for a long time because uh it's a hell of a company and uh a good group of guys to get you squared away and on the road. So, thanks illegal.

How are you using your vehicle now?

Jordan Deapen: What's up? Everyone just wanted to again. Thank dirt legal for what they've done to get my dirt bike on the road. And, uh, what I'm using it for is, uh, just for having fun. And, uh, I hit a lot of, have these, uh, back county roads that are poorly maintained and, uh, with ruts and puddles and, uh, some, a little bit of drop offs and stuff and it's, it's a lot of fun to ride. That thing is if I'm, I'm going through some trails and stuff and I could just ride there, hit the trails and, and come right home. It's, it's been a lot of fun and in the future, um, I can see going to other states, bigger parks where you'll have to ride the logging roads and, um, sugar cane roads and stuff like that. So, um, but, uh, thank you guys very much for getting me squared up and having a lot of fun riding this thing around. Y'all take care.

Produced with Vocal Video