
Oshane miller for Your Dermazen Story

July 17, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Oshane miller

What was your life like before Dermazen?

Oshane miller: There was in. Thank you. Look at my face just washed. Not one flake, not one dryness, not one. Nothing clean, smooth. My scalp. I have not washed my hair in uh what three weeks normally I use, I have to wash me every couple of days. That's what the dermatologist want but no scalp clean. After three weeks, no smell. No, nothing normally start use. Use the smell in a couple of days. But hey, there was unfixed all that cut the sexy stuff on my face, just keep my face nice and smooth. I use it daily and now I'm realizing that I ain't gotta use it every day now, but I'm still gonna use it every day. And this is the special, the special, special stuff. This year it started work for me the same week I started using it. My ear used to itch me like crazy. I was walking around patting my head like a mad man, but now I ain't got to touch my hair no more. Thank you. I found it.

What results have you seen from using Dermazen?

Oshane miller: No more peeling on the skin. Even after I just wash my face without adding anything to it. Normally, my face will be dry by now. Just me cracking a smile. My face would be cracking but not anymore scalp. No more flakes. I haven't seen a flake in my ear for, since I started using Dermazine, it's working.

How is your life better now with calmer skin?

Oshane miller: Listen, flake free, dry, free. My confidence is his back. Ain't got to worry about here smelling bad skin, being dry, scalp, getting itchy flakes falling on my head. None of that. Thank you very much that.

Produced with Vocal Video