
Mercedes' Dermazen Story

June 30, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mercedes Chatfield

What was your life like before Dermazen?

Mercedes Chatfield: Life before Dermazine was good but not great. I was struggling with an itchy scalp and looking for answers. I was trying every shampoo you could imagine on the market, talked to dermatologists and doctors and happened upon Dermazine while scouring the internet decided to give it a try.

What results have you seen from using Dermazen?

Mercedes Chatfield: After using Dermazine for about a week, I noticed a big difference, the itchiness was lessening in my scalp and over the last few months, um, I've just noticed a consistent relief which is something that I was looking for. I did have two babies. Hi. And I felt like my hormones kind of threw things off, but now things are getting better and I'm still continuing to use the product because it just seems to be such a big help.

How is your life better now with calmer skin?

Mercedes Chatfield: Life is definitely so much better. Now. It's amazing what finding some relief can really do. I didn't realize how much it was truly bothering me until I started to see uh such a big difference in my scalp relief. So, thank you dermazine for everything that you've done for the amazing products that you create. You have a lifelong customer right here.

Produced with Vocal Video