
Joshua Steele for Your Dermazen Story

July 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Joshua Steele

What was your life like before Dermazen?

Joshua Steele: Dermis has been great. It's just helped with itchiness inflammation. Uh I just feel better, especially having a beard. It's helped with like any kind of beard dandruff. Really. Just so thankful for what dermis has helped me with in my life and just my skin and calming it down. It's been great. So.

What results have you seen from using Dermazen?

Joshua Steele: The results I've seen are less reddening, um, less itchiness, just a calming of the skin. It's been great.

How is your life better now with calmer skin?

Joshua Steele: Um how it's helped me in my life. It's just been once again, just more relaxing, soothing, um, just being able to go out and do more than I probably could have prior. And so it's just been really helpful for confidence. So it's been great.

Produced with Vocal Video