
Jo for Your Dermazen Story

July 10, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jo

What was your life like before Dermazen?

Jo: My skin has always had, um, some sort of fungal related imbalances that I could tell came and went with other health factors. And, um, I was getting really dry, flaky skin around my nose and would use heavy cream, light cream and nothing changed. And the Dermazine Moisturizer really finally cleared it up, so I'm sticking with it.

What results have you seen from using Dermazen?

Jo: Um, patches of skin reaction um, that I can get when my skin ph was not balanced, have stopped forming. Um, and flaky crusted skin around the edges of my nose are just not there when I wear makeup, it's smooth, um, patches of flakier skin not showing up, um, on its own or with makeup and those are just really big changes that have been pretty stable now that I've been using the moisturizer for a couple of months.

How is your life better now with calmer skin?

Jo: Um So I've gotten really interested like many people in the gut biome and also like what likewise the skin biome and um learning how much skin also needs to maintain a natural balance of both bacteria and fungus and trying to really reduce the products I use and pay attention to diet and sleep and other things that improve my skin biome um has really helped a lot with things that I thought had to do with my skin, but kind of have to do with the way everything works together. But there were certain things I was discovering still wouldn't change. And um so finding something that seemed to target the type of weirdness my skin had, which was like a subtle uh fungal based um imbalance. Uh not a super extreme, obvious case, but really piecing together that it was probably um se dermatitis. Um really like is the last piece that I needed so I can keep my routines really simple. And yet also just have this really specialized product that's not too harsh to like mess with my skin barrier and skin biome, but actually seems to soothe things and still has some of those stronger targeted ingredients that do a little extra work that my body just needs in the best of the worlds.

Produced with Vocal Video