
Heidi Nuest for Your Dermazen Story

July 10, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Heidi Nuest

What was your life like before Dermazen?

Heidi Nuest: Before I found Dermazine I was bothered every day. Um, and every minute of the day really by an itchy build up on my scalp and I just felt ho hopeless about it and that nothing that I tried was working and helping.

What results have you seen from using Dermazen?

Heidi Nuest: After I've started using Dermo, my scalp completely. Um The scalp issue completely went away. I don't have any build up. Um It's just like my hair that I had when I was really young, like a, like a child is the last time I remember it. My scalp being like that and I do continue to use it to maintain, um maintain it kind of, but I don't have to use it as often. I just kind of keep, keep it in check.

How is your life better now with calmer skin?

Heidi Nuest: Now that my scalp is healthy again. I don't feel as hopeless. I know what I need to do to help it if it gets bad again. Um It's just a big relief to understand what was going on and really provided a lot of resources to understand how the yeast or what encourages the yeast to grow. And it's just an immense relief to feel like I don't have to worry about that. There's enough things to worry about in life. And um yeah, I just really appreciate the resources they provided and the product.

Produced with Vocal Video