
Nadine B. for Client Testimonial Videos

November 15, 2023

How does it feel to have graduated from the DebtBlue debt resolution program?

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nadine B.

How does it feel to have graduated from the DebtBlue debt resolution program?

Nadine B. : It feels so nice, so relaxed that I have no more credit debt. My credit score shot up everyone, and I am so pleased. I am so happy at that. I looked at my credit score and I was like, oh my gosh, look at it. It's no more low. It's high now. Now people will accept me and everything. A couple of years ago, I lost my, I lost my job with the post office, and I couldn't imagine because I had post office bills y'all. I didn't have no little bills and I was living large. So I am so thankful and I am so grateful with a smile on my face. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mm.Thank you DebtBlue.

Produced with Vocal Video