
James F., DebtBlue Graduate

May 22, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: James F., DebtBlue Graduate

James F.: Hello. My name is Jim Fisher. I'm very happy with the service I received from DebtBlue. They were with me every step of the way from beginning to end and I certainly would recommend them to anyone that finds himself in financial difficulties. They were certainly there for all my needs and I'm very happy with the outcome. Thanks once again to DebtBlue.

James F.: The feeling that I now have is great. Being debt free for the first time in many years is a feeling you can't really imagine after these things happen to you that caused you to get into financial troubles. So DebtBlue was there with me from day one to the final day of my last payment. And I thank them once again for making me feel great, feeling debt free for the first time in many years. Thank you very much.

Produced with Vocal Video