
Keith Montgomery for Immunization Ambassador Testimonials

December 28, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Keith Montgomery

Please introduce yourself and share why you support early childhood vaccinations.

Keith Montgomery: As a parent, I think it's important to vaccinate your kids, especially with all the new science that's out. You have to believe the science. You have to believe the facts. You can't just believe what you see on social media or what you think your neighbor thinks. Uh, you need to ask questions, you need to ask your physician. Uh, you need to be confident in the fact that the science speaks for itself. I feel comfortable giving my child, uh, a vaccination just because it's the right thing to do to watch out for your neighbor, your family members and just to protect your community, get your kids vaccinated. It's the right thing to do. The facts are the facts.

Why should parents and caregivers feel confident about vaccinating their kids?

Keith Montgomery: Parents should feel comfortable about vaccinating their kids because the science is clear, the science is out there. You can look up numerous articles, you can see the science on the web, look for the facts, not what people are saying in their personal social media feeds. You should feel comfortable vaccinating your kids.

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