Speaker: Gabrielle Michaud, Assistant Director, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
How was your course or how were your courses with Dave?
Gabrielle Michaud: Hi. This is Gabriel Michel from IRCC and I'm here to just talk about how much I love Dave Jones! I've taken so many of his courses I've done, Managing for Superior Results I and II. I've taken Negotiation Tactics. I've taken a course on Change. Uh oh, gosh, I'm I'm blanking out on all the all the courses I did. I even hired Dave Jones to come talk, at IRCC talk about Motivation, to talk about how to handle Change and his presentations were one of the most, love presentations as part of our Health and Wellness series. I highly recommend you take his courses and you follow him on his social media platforms. He has a knack for explaining things very, very clearly and giving everybody really tangible tools and clear actions on how to implement the stuff that he teaches. So it's hands on. Be ready to work on yourself. Be ready to just be a better leader because Dave Jones has the tools for you!