Speaker: Priscille Diwa
How was your experience working with Lead Trainer - Joshua Wells & CyberVault Solutions?
Priscille Diwa: Hey, everyone. I hope you guys are doing well. My name is Priscilla and I wanted to give a little bit of my experience talking about um how everything has been once I joined Cy Revolt. Um I actually joined it because a few months ago, I met Josh at a networking event in DC. Um And I explained to him how I wanted to transition from what I was doing before currently as a communications major going into cyber security. Um But I wanted to go through the track of project management slash Scrum. And so I joined the community. Um And it's really great because um it's something that I feel like you don't have to go through yourself, especially when you're doing something new. Um You know, you just know that during the time that you're transitioning, you have someone who's helping you guiding you and then also sharing resources and not only that too, but you also have a community of people who are doing the same thing as you are. Um One of the resources that Josh has in the Cyber bo is um resume writing and I think her name is Jessica. She does it. And at first, like the current resume that I have right now was OK and I worked on it for a few times here and there even received feedback from people. Um But I haven't been really like picking up a lot of um um interview process or interviewing in general. But once I shared my resume with Josh and then, um Jessica worked on it. I updated with my linkedin and then also all the applications I was sending into two weeks later. Um Actually, like after, right after I put it on the market, like I just started getting calls from recruiters, um sometime it was the jobs that I applied to and other time it was jobs that I hadn't applied to. But recruiters just kept coming to me about a certain job position. And a few weeks later after that resume, I actually landed a Scrum master role um which I'm really excited because that was actually something that I was going after um kind of as a bridge to go into project management and then project management to cybersecurity. So just to show you how, you know, investing in community and then also people who are already doing what they're doing and wants to help you really works out for the best. And I'm really thankful for um the whole community for Josh, for Jessica and being able to help me really nail down on the specific terms and um format for my resume. So that, you know, recruiters can actually give you a call back and give you time and days. So I just encourage all of you guys who are in transition and don't know where to start or even thinking about starting joining to definitely join it because there's a lot of resources that can help you and you don't have to go through this alone.
How would you describe Joshua Wells & CyberVault Solutions in three words?
Priscille Diwa: All right. So three words that we use to describe Josh and Cyber vat is responsive, um helpful and visionary.
Why is CyberVault Solutions different from any other Cyber training program you've been part of?
Priscille Diwa: So one way that Cyber Solutions has been different from other programs that um that I've, I've been a part of is that it's really well rounded. Um And not to say other, other programs are bad, but it's just like this one really encompasses everything. So number one, like obviously with resources for training um and then studying and then also just being able to have access to um to someone who knows cybersecurity like 24 7. Um And so through Cyber Ball, Josh actually has a discord where everyone's on there. So any questions that we have or any concerns um or even just like sharing updates about what we're doing and where we're at is really great for accountability and then also just like encouragement. Um And then also, number three, as I mentioned is well rounded. So it also helps you with like resume writing. Um So where you are right now, just having someone who's a specialist um being able to help you put the best resume out there so that you're not selling yourself short. Um But everything that's on your resume is actually speaking of the volume, the value that you're able to share.
Would you recommend Joshua Wells and CyberVault Solutions to anyone else?
Priscille Diwa: I would 100% recommend people to um join Cyber solutions and also connect with Josh. Um I've actually done that already because I've seen the value that um that they have provided for me. And then also just like continue to be a really great support system throughout my whole journey um into cybersecurity. So it is a definite yes for me and you will not miss out.