Speaker: Will Pagden, Global Director of Customer Success, Rosterfy
Please could you introduce yourself? (Name/current role/experience)
Will Pagden: Hi, I'm Will Pin, Director of Global Customer success at Rost. Um as a current role as director of customer success at Rost. We're a volunteer management platform. Um that's really working to connect communities to events. Of course, they're passionate about because of my experience, I've been in CS leadership now probably for the best part of 89 years, if not more. Um And my skill set really is working in businesses, start up, scale up businesses that are low level of um maturity coming in, creating scalable processes and um building out CS program.
What are you going to be talking about at Customer Success Festival?
Will Pagden: Yeah, the panel and I will be discussing proving the power of customer success, turning metrics into strategic influence and really how we can take the data that's being captured and turn that into strategic decisions and, and influencing how um ourselves as CS MS or CS leaders really use that, that data and those metrics to create the best uh strategic influence moving forward.
What is the biggest challenge facing Customer Success teams today?
(+ [optional] how are you going help tackle this in your session?)
Will Pagden: I think one of the biggest challenges facing customer success teams today is um the amount of data and metrics that are tracked, but it's then turning that into how do we apply that into meaningful conversations. Um And how do we then make sure that the data we're collecting is not just data. How do we turn that into a story that we can tell to customers and tell to the business? How do we position that differently to understand? Um You know what we're doing well, what we're not doing well. So we're in good having usage stats. So we're in good having data. If we can't tell the story from that data, it kind of becomes just another indicator that we're collecting or metric that we're collecting and not doing anything with um within our session. We hope to, we hope to really kind of touch on that and talk around how we're gonna turn those metrics into strategic influence. Um And how you can use that data to paint a better picture, have more meaningful conversations, more strategic conversations with our customers and use that to our advantage rather than just have it as a data collection point.
What’s your number one customer success tip?
Will Pagden: What's my number one customer success tip? Um Act like a two year old. It might sound silly but anyone with a two year old knows they ask why about 45 million times a day. And I think that number one tip, I'd give any CS M or anyone wanting to be a CS M is really focus on your inquisitiveness. It's one of the one, number one things I look for when hiring, you know, wh why, why are they doing that? Try and get to that root cause you know whether that's ted questions. Tell me, explain to me, describe to me whether that's the five, why's constantly going deeper and deeper and probing more into the, into the Y um I think that's my number one tip. I've got many others but number one is get to the bottom of the Y understand the pain point. You can then help address that.