
Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor for Customer Success Festival San Francisco 2024

July 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor, Senior Customer Success Manager , Camunda, inc

Please could you introduce yourself?

Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor: Hi there. This is uh Olivier at T A Maneuver. I am a senior customer success manager at Kunda. Kunda is an organization that helps a company in their digital transformation by bridging the gap between business and it through process orchestration. I'm also a founding member of uh success and black, an organization that helps with, you know, black voices within the customer success community. And I have a 15 year experience in the industry where I've helped my client um see and draw value of the solutions that we provide them into their respective organizations and foster those strategic um relationships.

What are you going to be talking about at Customer Success Festival?

Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor: So at the upcoming uh customer Success Festival uh in San Francisco in September, I'll be leading to topics. The first one will be to um engage in a round table discussion around how to engage key stakeholders uh in order to foster strong cross functional collaboration within our company. As we know as a CS M, we cannot be successful in our day to day task without the help of various teammate within our company. So during the roundtable discussion, I will be exploring how we can actually foster a better collaboration uh with our diverse uh various teammates within our companies. And the second one on the next day will be my presentation about how to drive customer retention, you know, during uh difficult economic times. As you all know, we are on the verge of uh uh an economic recession where we are on the planet, I in the US. And we actually see the sign of that and our customers are looking to cut, they're not looking to spend. Uh So as a CS A, we need to find ways to continue to draw value within our customer, help them see that value in order to renew them and possibly spend. I know it's crazy to think that uh and during this difficult economic times, customer will continue to spend money. But if we show them the real value they are gaining from our solutions, you'll be surprised to see them continue our business relationship and even expand. So I'll be giving you tips and tricks on how to achieve that. So look forward to it.

What is the biggest challenge facing Customer Success teams today?

Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor: So the biggest challenge that I see customer success team facing uh these days uh is value realization how to help our clients see the value that we are providing to them and have them really realize that value internally because value can mean something different for us and for them. But what is important is the value that they are themselves achieving and realizing. So that value realization is an important piece. That's what will allow their CFO or the CEO to sign on the renewal or even the expansion check to our company without seeing the concrete value that we are providing their CAO and CFO will not allow the renewal, especially during these economy times where they have to choose between what is real or what is really bringing essential value for their company. So that's why it's important to really work toward that. And that's what I will cover during my presentation on the next day, especially during these economic times. That's when it's becoming critical for CS M to really help what we call the champion people that we work with day to day, really translate the value they are gaining from our solutions. And translate that for the higher uh higher up, especially people that sign on the renewal checks for us. So that that value is achieved, understood and realized. So look forward to my presentation.

What’s your number one customer success tip?

Olivier Fiaty-Amenouvor: So my number one tip of customer success of a customer success manager is to have a clear understanding of what problem our solutions is helping solve on the customer side without having that concrete understanding, we'll be should be in the blank and our solutions are helping our clients solve a certain problem. And that's what we should draw our efforts toward helping us solve that problem with all the means at our disposal. So that's the number one thing without understanding the reason why our solutions helping our client, there will not be an efficient CS M. So for me, that would be uh one important tip or advice I will give to any CS M. Thanks.

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