
Mike Lee for Customer Success Festival San Francisco 2024

July 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mike Lee, Manager of Customer Success, Avalara

Please could you introduce yourself?

Mike Lee: Hi, my name is Mike Lee. I am currently the manager of customer success at Avalere. I've been cus in customer success for about 15 years now. I've held roles as an individual contributor to a senior CS M all the way through head of customer success in my previous roles. Uh I'm really excited about being here and I'm a passionate um expert in customer success.

What are you going to be talking about at Customer Success Festival?

Mike Lee: I am so excited to be talking about retention at the customer success festival. Retention is the most important aspect of a customer success manager or a customer success leader's roles and responsibilities. The pillars of retention framework is an idea that I've had about finding these unique properties within your product to see if a customer is actually using or finding value out of, out of the product or service that you provide. Sometimes customers say one thing but do another. Well, this framework allows us to identify the things, the actions that a customer does in your product to let you know if retention is in their future.

What is the biggest challenge facing Customer Success teams today?

Mike Lee: Just like at any time in a customer success leader's career or customer success manager's career retention is the biggest challenge. Everything that we do from the tools, the processes, the engagements that we have have to do with retention. The pillars of retention allows us to proactive.

What’s your number one customer success tip?

Mike Lee: As always in customer success. The biggest challenge with customer success manager, the customer success leaders is retention. The pillars of retention framework that I'll be introducing at. This festival allows us to proactively measure if a customer is going to renew or not. And we do this by providing a way to uniquely identify properties and actions that a customer does every day that allow you to know that they're actually finding value out of your product or service. This framework will help you to identify these ideas up to about 95% accuracy and this will help to ease the biggest challenges that we have in today's economy.

Produced with Vocal Video