Speaker: Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez: Hi, my name is Luis Gonzalez. I'm Head of Global Customer Advocacy at Alteryx. at Alteryx.
Can you give us a teaser of a key takeaway from your talk?
Luis Gonzalez: We're living in a world right now where there are layoffs, there is uh deal scrutiny pipelines are drying up and what's always going to be important is the voice of our customers. And reviews are, are a way to really kind of get the sentiment of what our customers are saying about the companies that we work at. If you come to my presentation, you'll take away how to take real customer review data. I'm talking about actual statistics that you can leverage to not only proliferate at your organization but also leverage it externally for go to market messaging.
What is your best piece of customer marketing advice?
Luis Gonzalez: My best piece of customer marketing advice is the fact that our customers from Monday through Friday are still human beings. And the way that they experience uh other brands, consumer brands that they interact with is exactly how they want to be uh experiencing your brand from A B to B perspective. And so think about the customer, the way that you yourself experience uh messaging from some of your favorite B to C brands and then try to model it uh in that way.