Speaker: Dave Hansen, Director of Customer Marketing at LRN
Dave Hansen: Hi there. My name is Dave Hansen. I'm the Global Advocacy Marketing Director at LRN, a company focused on ethics and compliance.
Can you give us a teaser of a key takeaway from your talk?
Dave Hansen: I'm really looking forward to my discussion, "Dress for the occasion: Leveraging the right events for the right goals". In it, we're going to explore a bunch of different events. Think of CABs, meetups, round- tables, interviews, focus groups. The list could probably go on. We're gonna provide definitions to each kind of event, talk about the outcomes that you could expect from those events and kind of the practical application, where should you use the best type of event when you're looking for a certain set of outcomes? All in the name of obviously getting to know our customers better.
What is your best piece of customer marketing advice?
Dave Hansen: What is my best piece of customer marketing advice? I would have to say focus on priorities. I think this is especially true as customer marketing continues to evolve as a profession, lots of different organizations are throwing all sorts of different tasks at customer marketers. It's up to us as the practitioners in this field to guide our organizations to help set what is a priority? Keeping a focus on customer engagements, getting to know customer relationships better, and everything else can get set up behind it, and making sure we set those expectations back so that we are setting up true priorities and we don't fall victim of the old adverb "If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority."