
Jamie Wigand for CUNA Councils 2023 Video Testimonials

November 17, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jamie Wigand, Director, Membership & Communications, Credit Union National Association

Could you describe a time that your CUNA Councils membership helped you?

Jamie Wigand: My CUNA Council's membership has benefited me in several ways, one being just all the data and resources at my fingertips. Every time I have a question, there's an answer I can find either in the resource library or in the general online community. Being able to ask my peers, direct questions has been absolutely invaluable.

What would you tell a colleague considering joining CUNA Councils?

Jamie Wigand: Whenever I have an opportunity to sing about CUNA councils, I certainly do. I let all of my colleagues and co workers know to join, and really to just get involved, to get the most out of your membership, volunteer, join a committee, go to the events and really make the most out of all of the benefits at your fingertips.

What three words describe your experience as a Councils member?

Jamie Wigand: The three words that I would use to describe my experience as a council member would be community resources and events, The events are great.

Produced with Vocal Video