
D. H. - Cross Shield

December 20, 2024

Cross Shield client testimonial from D.H. about his an his wife's experience working with financial coach, Amanda Hershberger.

Video Transcript

Speaker: D. H., Cross Shield Client

What are the biggest successes you experienced while working with your Cross Shield coach?

D. H.: My wife Noel and I have been getting coached by Amanda. Now for a little over a year, two months ago, we completed our debt snowball. We had close to $200,000 in Debt! And Amanda helped us to crush that. We're all done with our debt and moving on!

How have you changed the most in taking back control of your money and your financial future while working with your Cross Shield coach?

D. H.: Our biggest change with Amanda financially was being disciplined in having a budget and knowing where every penny was going, that allowed us to put lots of surplus money into our debt snowball. In 11 months, we killed just under $200,000.

What makes Cross Shield different from other similar services that help people with their financial goals?

D. H.: Having a personal coach such as Amanda from Cross Shield was the most important thing to getting out of debt and building wealth here in the future. I think that's the most important part is having a personal coach that cares about you and what you're trying to accomplish. She works within a paradigm of discipline, and becoming debt free, but also gives you the freedom to make whatever decisions need to be made, made or ultimately up to you. We love Amanda and everything that she has helped us do.

Produced with Vocal Video