
5853: A Moving Body, A Thinking Brain

July 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Susanne Leslie, professional learning specialist

What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?

Susanne Leslie: Hi, I'm Susanne. I'm the course designer for course 5853: A Moving Body, a Thinking Brain. It is one of our most popular courses because it is a basic child development course based on a text called A Moving Child is a Learning Child by Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy. And it is a colorful textbook. It is loaded with information in a very easy digestible way. What we hear from teachers is they love the textbook and recently there's been an update to the course which I'll tell you about in the next video.

What do you love about this course?

Susanne Leslie: What you will love about this course is that we have updated it with a website designed by the course textbook authors, Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy. It is still based on the research about child development and how kiddos have to develop from the feet up. They need to learn how to balance, they need to learn proprioception. All the different things that are happening have to happen first before they can move on to other more academic endeavors. So, you'll be thrilled with the website and how we have infused it into the course. So it's a nice marriage of the colorful textbook, engaging textbook and the colorful engaging website at the same time.

Produced with Vocal Video