
5523: Exploring Real-World Connections in Math

November 01, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Betsy Butler, Course Writer

What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?

Betsy Butler: Hi, I'm Betsy Butler and I'm the course creator for course 5523: Exploring Real-World Connections in Math. If you've ever heard, as a math teacher, when are we going to learn this or why are we going to learn this? This is the course for you. It's going to challenge you to look for ways to make math relevant for all students through connecting real world, real world examples to math skills in order to make things much more authentic for students. And that's a great way for them to engage and attach to that learning. This also explores the idea of a math person when really all of us can be math people. We just have to determine the roadblocks that we are facing. In order to get to that content. It's a really positive course that has a lot to do with making sure that math remains important in, in applicability to our students.

What do you love about this course?

Betsy Butler: So you want some strategies and how to make that math more relevant for students? We got stuff on math discussions, we've got stuff on specific math tasks. We've got Three Act math and many, many more strategies that you can use to apply to your classroom and to really engage your students with that authentic learning by making math meaningful for those students.

Produced with Vocal Video