
5421: Navigating Anxiety for Student Well-Being

March 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Betsy Butler, Course Writer

What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?

Betsy Butler: Hi, I'm Betsy Butler and I'm the course writer for course 5421: Navigating Anxiety for Student Well-Being. This is a direct relationship to our existing anxiety course, although this is the Fast Track version of it and it covers all of the great things and more that the original anxiety course 5102 covers. We're talking about test anxiety and general student or school anxiety. And we're talking about brain functions and how that relates to anxiety. And so a lot of coping strategies to really support students in whatever anxiety that they are experiencing.

What do you love about this course?

Betsy Butler: One of the things I love about this course is the high high levels of coping strategies that we provide that can be used by teachers and students. We do something that's cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT adjacent. And we have all sorts of other ways that can kind of help slow things down for kids with anxiety, everything from mindfulness and how to talk about it as much as possible, really to support kids on this journey. Our world is getting harder and more difficult sometimes. And I think it's such an important piece to worry and be concerned and to be helpful for students, good mental health.

Produced with Vocal Video