Speaker: Susanne Leslie, professional learning specialist
What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?
Susanne Leslie: Hi, I'm Susanne. I'm the course designer for course 5312: Creating a Gender Inclusive Classroom for Young Learners. What we want you to take away from the course is that you will have the opportunity to take a look around your classroom, either physically or in your mind to audit how gender is reflected in your classroom materials or classroom setup. And thinking about how you might want to move beyond pink is for girls and blue is for boys.
What do you love about this course?
Susanne Leslie: What do we love about this course? I would say the main thing we love about this course is it is an opportunity for educators to discover how they can support young children who are gender diverse and their families. Starting at a young age, it's particularly powerful to have those tools and to create that understanding. The other thing is, it is an opportunity to explore implicit biases and stereotypes that we may not be aware of.