
5311: Behavior Support for Students with Autism

July 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Betsy Butler, Course Creator

What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?

Betsy Butler: Hi, I'm Betsy Butler and I'm the course creator for 5311: Behavior Supports for Students with Autism. This is a course that is going to come with all sorts of strategies and ideas for helping autism students, students who are on the autism spectrum succeed in the classrooms. And, I think that takes into account a really large belief that I hold. And, I think is also held by a lot of people who work with students with autism is that, all behavior is a form of communication. And so if a student with autism is struggling in class, we know that there's likely a reason for the behavior or a need that's not being met. And I think teachers will gain a great sense of how that works within this course.

What do you love about this course?

Betsy Butler: What I love about this course is it covers all these different aspects of how behaviors manifest from needs and things that students cannot really communicate very well sometimes. There's pathologic avoidance disorder, which is kind of new on the scene that has to do with kids with autism. And then we're also talking about evidence based practices and visual supports all sorts of things that can support your work with students who are on the spectrum. But the biggest reason I'm excited about this course is that this is a long time coming. And in all survey results that I've looked at in the last three or four years, people, you, the customers have been asking for a behavior course for students with autism and we're so happy to present it to you right now.

Produced with Vocal Video