Speaker: Julie Kuntz, Professional Learning Specialist
What do you hope teachers will take away from this course?
Julie Kuntz: Hi, my name is Julie Kuntz. I am one of the course designers for the course 5289: Motivate, Celebrate, and Innovate with Secondary ELA Instruction. Something I hope that teachers take away from this course is some renewed energy around teaching secondary ELA. Whether you are a brand new first time teacher or you are a veteran teacher who's been teaching secondary ELA for an entire career. There are tools, resources, skills and strategies available in this course to really reignite your excitement and passion around secondary ELA. So I hope teachers take away from this course just some new strategies, some fun ways to think about assessment and feedback, small group instruction. These are strategies that you could implement starting tomorrow in your classes. You don't need to redesign everything about what it is that you're already doing. And you can really use all of the skills immediately to see some positive impacts in your instruction.
What do you love about this course?
Julie Kuntz: Something I really love about this course is that it's specifically geared towards secondary students. So there are sections that are specifically about motivation and engagement for middle and high school students. There's information about providing, you know, relevant and helpful specific feedback on writing for secondary students. So the course isn't just about language, arts, reading and writing instruction in general, it's really specialized to the work that we're doing in the secondary classroom. And provides lots of tools, strategies and resources that I think are really beneficial, not only for us as teachers to use, but also developmentally appropriate for our secondary students.