
SP 20th Anniversary Stacy + Amy

June 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Amy Hansen, MA, CCC-SLP, Senior Managing Editor

Amy Hansen, MA, CCC-SLP: What makes me most proud is the development of our exceptional course library, featuring top quality presenters and content. Additionally, the relationships fostered with outstanding presenters and SLPs, along with our commitment to listening to members' suggestions and addressing their continuing education needs, are accomplishments that I am most proud of.

Stacy Williams, PhD: I love to learn new things, but most of all I love to learn from the best. And that's what SpeechPathology.com is all about. It makes its greatest impact on the profession by helping clinicians continuously learn about cutting edge advancements in our profession, which ultimately impact and improve clinical outcomes. We strive to make every learning moment both educational and enjoyable.

Stacy Williams, PhD: Our members have completed millions of hours of continuing education credit over the past 20 years. I can't wait to see what the next 20 years brings. Billions of CEUs completed?

Produced with Vocal Video