
Carter Hemion for Connective Strength Testimonials

January 22, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Carter Hemion

Please introduce yourself.

Carter Hemion: Hi, my name is Carter Hemion and I have classical EDS.

What's your biggest struggle day to day?

Carter Hemion: Some of my biggest struggles day to day. A lot of them have to do with chronic pain. I experience frequent joint subluxations, nerve pain, and a lot of pain in my joints just from over the years of, especially from the many years that I went without proper treatment and without a diagnosis, I also struck a lot with MACS and POTS, especially with getting hives all day or having to be really careful about what I eat, what I'm exposed to all kinds of products I use on my skin, everything in my environment.

How has Connective Strength helped you?

Carter Hemion: I feel incredibly lucky that when I was diagnosed with EDS I was pretty quickly connected with Connective Strength. I spent many, many years feeling like I wasn't trying hard enough doing things or that there was something wrong with me not knowing what. And when I finally was able to meet this community, it made such a huge difference in my life. I got to meet people who understood what it's like to have EDS and to deal with a lot of these symptoms. But also just made some really great friends, met wonderful, wonderful people and was able to share resources and learn things like how to organize my medical records. What good specialists in the area, understand EDS and can help me. And they were really supportive when I was having surgeries when I was really struggling. And this group has made such a huge difference and improved my life in so many ways. And I'm will always be so grateful to be able to come to this group and to keep meeting wonderful people here.

Produced with Vocal Video