
My career growth at Conduent - Matthew Riggs 1200X628

June 09, 2024

My career growth at Conduent - Matthew Riggs Career Site 1200X628

Video Transcript

Speakers: Matthew Riggs, Director of Operations, Conduent

Matthew Riggs: How have I grown at Conduent? This is a fun story. So I started as a frontline associate in 2009 working to support a tech company. I trouble shooted their hardware and software for their devices. considering I didn't have a smart device or even an email at the, at that time it's safe to say I was a little worried about whether I was going to be able to perform well in this job or not. However, I put in the work and learn from many, many mistakes along the way to eventually get asked to become a supervisor, then continued to try to learn as much as I possibly could while making lots and lots of mistakes in that new role for multiple years until I was offered an operations manager role. Then there was an opportunity to relocate from central Kentucky to Portland Oregon which considering how small my world was at that time felt like the most monumental changes. and to be fair it was over the next decade. I continue to grow professionally mainly by putting an emphasis on growing my skills and knowledge and proactively just being helpful where I could until multiple promotions later, I am now a director and have a career from once. What I thought of as only a job. It's, it's easier to pass my professional success, but more importantly, I think my growth because of Conduent personally is more significant. Thinking about moving from central Kentucky to Oregon or Conduent allowed me multiple opportunities to set up sites in Brazil, France and Japan spending nearly a month in each of those places. Not even having traveled in an airplane prior literally changed my life.

Produced with Vocal Video