Speaker: Mick Badran, Cloud Architect, Consultant, Co-Founder, Director, Board Advisor, solveit.today
Mick Badran: Hi, I'm Mick. I'm gonna be presenting the University of Queensland onboarding community project that I've been working on close to a year now where I mentored about 30 girls. And they were determined to change the onboarding experience for university students that, that followed them. And we went from not knowing anything to designing, building, deploying a whole bunch of technology around around an onboarding experience. And it was great to see them grow, great to see you know, what they really go beyond what they thought was possible and what they could achieve. And I'm gonna be presenting that in Sydney at on September the 18th at the uh CompTIA Community meeting on the 18th of September. Now there is a day event and there's also a night event there as well. So there's, it'll be a great fun day and bring your team. Bring yourself, bring, you know, your, your, your imagination and your curiosity and your questions because you know, it, it's great to get in, in amongst the, the like minded people and the enthusiasts and you never know what you're gonna pick up there. So, come and join me, I'd love to see you there and love to have a chat. So it's on September the 18th and it's free.