
Danny for Member Testimonial Videos

December 24, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Danny

How did you feel before you started with us?

Danny: Before joining the thrive Classic Coliseum. I think the main thing I was feeling was just boredom, uh, with fitness. I was, um, I was exercising and trying to stay fit, but I kind of just ran out of things to do and ran out of ideas and, uh, was starting to run out of motivation.

What results have you gotten? What do you love most about the program?

Danny: Uh the main thing I noticed results wise is just kind of an overall fitness that I didn't have before. And, uh, you know, places where I might have had muscle imbalances now feel evened out. Um I also notice um, a much better flexibility and uh core strength. And then I would say one of the things that I enjoy most about the class is probably just the uh the other people in the class and having a, a group of people that are there uh, every week that are kind of hold you accountable and push you to, uh, to be your best.

How do you feel now and where do you want to take your fitness level?

Danny: Uh after being in the thrive class for several months now, I feel good. I just wanna keep going and um, keep building on the results that I'm seeing now. Um, keep at it, keep being consistent and keep feeling better.

Produced with Vocal Video