
Panic Attacks Transformed - Christie's Testimonial

May 27, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Christie Cox

Introduce yourself, how long have you been coming to CO Health and Wellness?

Christie Cox: Hi, my name is Christy Cox and I have been seeing Doctor Rick at Colorado Health and wellness for about a year now.

What was it that initially brought you in to CO Health and Wellness Center?

Christie Cox: I started experiencing panic attacks and an overload of my nervous system in general. and someone recommended that I look for a network chiropractor. And that is how I came to find Doctor Rick.

How has receiving care at CO Health and Wellness Center impacted your initial health concern?

Christie Cox: The symptoms of the panic attacks were immediately helped. while when I first started seeing Doctor Rick, it was almost an everyday thing that I had to deal with. and I've, since starting to see Doctor Rick, I've only had one panic attack in that year's time. So I would say immediately my symptoms, were helped and in that time I've gotten to know my own nervous system and my fight or flight response really well. And had a chance to start getting deeper and deeper into, the root cause.

How has the care you received at CO Health and Wellness Center impacted other areas of your life outside of your initial health concern?

Christie Cox: So the panic attacks were definitely the symptom of like I mentioned a root that was much deeper, that root being patterns that have been around for forever and that clearly needed to be seen and released and, and updated really in how I respond and how I react to everyday things in my everyday life. And as I continue with this work, more and more unfolds within me of really seeing the patterns and, and where they come from and where they stem back to. And that's been hugely helpful in my healing process in general, especially with my relationships with others, my relationship to myself. And how I show up in the world.

What is it like working with Dr. Rick?

Christie Cox: Working with doctor Rick has changed my life. He is one of the kindest warmest, certainly doctors I have ever worked with. But one of the kindest and warmest, most supportive people I've ever worked with and I recommend his work and his practice to everyone because I think his work is so valuable and so impactful. I tell him he's magical because what he is able to do within the nervous system is truly amazing. And you know, he is this amazingly supportive kind person to guide you through it.

Your friend is questioning enrolling in care, what would you share with them about any initial concerns you had & why you chose to enroll?

Christie Cox: To anyone who I recommend doctor Rick's practice to, I always just say go and experience it, experience him, experience a session with him and you have full choice and if you return and how often you go, but once you experience his treatment, again, it's hard to describe and I think it's a little different for everyone but you know that change is happening and you can't deny it however that shows up for you. So I always say go and experience it and and you will know for yourself.

Produced with Vocal Video