
Marsha Jackson for Coastal Energy Water & Air Video Testimonials

December 06, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Marsha Jackson, American Airlines, Fleet Service Clerk

Why did you choose Coastal Energy Water & Air for your water treatment provider?

Marsha Jackson: Yes, I am Marsha and I just tried a Rainsoft Water (product from CoastalEWA). I can already feel the difference. I smell the difference. Good job.

How do you like your new TC Water Conditioning System, by Rainsoft ?

Marsha Jackson: I walked up there and I could feel the difference in the water and my hands still feel soft and it smells good.

What made you decide to use our products?

Marsha Jackson: Both of them have sensitive skins and the water has been an issue ever since we, you know, we got, we moved in this house. I'm glad, I'm trying something and it feel like it will work.

Produced with Vocal Video