
Coastal Energy Water & Air - Video Testimonial

November 04, 2023

Happy customer video testimonial. Coastal Energy Water and Air, servicing South Florida.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Dr. Mitchell Ghen

What do you like best about having clear, healthy, money-saving water for your home?

Dr. Mitchell Ghen: I love having water that's clean. When we do our laundry, we know that it's free and clear of any types of phosphates and/or chemicals and the soap that we use in there. In addition, I like to know that when I shower, that I am clean of all the chemicals as well.

Would you recommend Coastal Energy Water & Air to your family and friends?

Dr. Mitchell Ghen: Uh it's obvious! I would recommend coastal water and air to my friends because I already have and at least 10 or more this year alone, have also gotten the services of coastal water and air and are equally as happy as I am. Great company.

Produced with Vocal Video