
Coach Annette Mary-Marie Chang for Coaches By Grace Accelerator Video Testimonials

March 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Annette Mary-Marie Chang, Thought Mindset Coach

What problem was your coaching business dealing with before Coaches By Grace Accelerator?

Annette Mary-Marie Chang: My life coaching business was in hibernation. I was hiding CBG A coaching by Grace Accelerator changed all that. For me, it removed the veil and allowed me to confidently show up 69 consecutive days on social media with my solid delicious no brainer offer developed within the framework of CBGA. I am so excited to present the offer to share it and I just can't wait to tell everybody about the solution that I offer. When we partner together in one on one mindset coaching, the tools that vision coach Kim brought to the table were so elegant, very simple because we already possessed them and easily accessible and they can go with you wherever you are, the tools of our brain and our mind. When I saw the ease with which the teaching, the wisdom that vision coach Kim would bring to our um encounters. I knew this was a true queen in her king's kingdom. She exemplified obedience, vision coach Kim in just a few short months of sitting in her presence, brought the wisdom she learned in his presence during her heavenly team meetings and she was always willing to share CBG A is my formal introduction to the world of vision. Coach Kim. Now, every time I think of the yes I gave to attend a master class which I easily could have just not gone. She spoke and in her, yes, I just thank God for my obedience in meeting her. I tell her all the time in every encounter that I prayed for you. Coach Kim and God said yes, here is coach Kim and the testimony in her yes, answering all my questions when I show up with, you know, asking God, what about this? And here is vision coach Kim with the wisdom that I needed that I may not have gotten when I asked the initial question, but the Lord placed it upon her heart to answer it without reservation. I am just blown away by how solid the platform is in which she operates and that she is about Abba Father, God's business is her business. CBG A answered my prayer for kingdom direction, kingdom community, Kingdom Royals with their yes, united under vision coach Kim's, yes. And it just makes such an amazing team of daughters of the king meeting to advance the kingdom in three areas. Knowing our enoughness, fishing coach Kim was just adamant in saying we lack no nothing, no good thing. And I believe that and I operate from sufficiency and not survival. I operate from a concept that I just adore because that's the confidence she brought, which is operating from done. Already complete in the victory. I walk every day in victory because it's already done and the tools of my mind and my brain operating in alignment. I am do coach Annette Mary Marie. I'm the author of the think method. I partner with other kingdom heirs to help them 10 X, their impact influence as they master the power of their free will and their decision making power that is already there for them. But they just simply need to unveil it to be aware and take possession of their mind and their brain. This is the teaching that I have solidified in CBG A that everyone can rise to epic if they are aware and take action on it by using a very simple model that you can learn by partnering with vision coach Kim coaches, by Grace Accelerator.

How did Coaches By Grace Accelerator help resolve this challenge?

Annette Mary-Marie Chang: Coaching by Grace Accelerator helped me to get out of hibernation because it just kicked me into gear one with a solid platform of the courses offered at a time. Convenient to me, it's in the heartbeat application and I can go through it at my own pace and re-watch or retake it as many times as I need to. I love that as the base. And because it's self paced, it really appeals to my schedule and the way I process information, I like to re-watch videos and I like to take notes. So I have that opportunity at my leisure. I also love the interaction, the community interaction in our sessions, uh Q and A sessions which coach Kim, we can bring any question that uh is, you know, of concern to us, whether it's in our business or just life in general and we will reason it out together. It's just an amazing time because she is dedicated to her coaches and the fact that we get clarity and kingdom clarity. I really appreciate the solid monthly trainings that we have once a month on topics that um allow you to advance your business or just advance your mindset and it is wonderful to just glean from the knowledge that she has in bringing all of these things to life. I, I just, I'm excited. I never, it's optional but I, but I never miss, I've not missed one since I've joined the community. I also appreciate another level of interacting with other coaches and it is a wonderful, uh, model time where we are able to ask uh questions of other coaches, especially is led by one of the, the premier leaders with coach Kim. And uh Coach Anna is amazing. So all of it all in all is, is just solid and uh very timely for me and it just opened all the possibilities that I needed. And I know I sound like a broken record, but it really is this CBG A and coach Kim was an answer to a direct prayer that I made to our father in order to decide if I was going to continue on the path of my forever career, which is coaching. I am just in love with it and it should be a lifestyle for everyone if you can help to advance the kingdom by helping others understand how they think and how it impacts their, their overall life. Because your thoughts are the first thing that shapes all of your other things, your emotions, your beliefs, your actions, you'd be so surprised. And so I just love that I sit under an amazing woman of God and in an amazing program that he gave her and I just love the fact that she said yes.

Produced with Vocal Video