
Von Bailey for 2019 Cherish the Moments Marriage Retreat Testimonial

September 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Von Bailey

What did you enjoy most about the 2019 Cherish the Moments Marriage Retreat?

Von Bailey: Hello, I'm Vaughan Bailey. Um, just wanted to give some insight about 2019 cherish the Moments Marriage Retreat. Um I enjoyed um, the exercises that we were given in order to connect with one another to be able to communicate. Um and then reflect on um the things that we could possibly improve in our marriage. Um but also how uh we could um move forward in order to um get to the next level in our um in our marriage. So I enjoyed that and I also enjoyed the time connecting with the ladies, the men were able to spend time together and the ladies were able to spend time together. So we were able to share some of the um reflections um that we had um in our discussions as couples.

What are you looking forward to for the 2025 Cherish the Moments Valentine's weekend Marriage Retreat?

Von Bailey: Hi, I'm looking forward to 2025. Cherish the Moments Valentine's weekend. Um, a weekend to connect with other couples being able to, um, discuss how God is first in their marriages and how, um, we can certainly continue to keep that level of Christ first in our marriages. Um, but also having fun connecting on a different level with other couples, even new couples that we may have never met. But also I enjoyed, um, the evening event previously and I'm looking forward to being able to, um, certainly dress up and, um, have a wonderful extravagant event and being able to dance and have a good time.

Would you recommend other couples to attend the 2025 Cherish the Moments Valentine's weekend Marriage Retreat?

Von Bailey: Hi. I would certainly recommend other couples to attend the 2025. Cherish the Moments Valentine's Weekend. Um, I think we certainly, um, were able to put some things that we learned previously at the, um, 2019, um, cherish the moments we can, um, into action, um, being able to, um, put our marriage first and not allowing that life occurrences around us to, um, take us off track. So, I think, um, having other couples to come and be able to take some, um, some small trinkets with them, um, um, some Bible verses with them to be able to certainly put that into practice into their marriage every day. Um, would certainly be a bonus, um, in order to continue to be on the right track to forever in, um, their marriage. Amen.

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