
Special Education Day

December 01, 2023

Video Transcript

Miki Walker: Hi, my name is Miki Walker and I'm the director here at Sand Hill School at CHC. What makes Sand Hill School different from other special education schools is that we approach student learning from an integrated whole child approach with the support of specialists from CHC. with the support of specialists from CHC. Students receive intensive intervention in reading, writing and math and also receive explicit intervention in social emotional learning and executive function coaching. In addition to the academic intervention, all our students benefit from the embedded support of an occupational therapist, a speech therapist and a school psychologist, all who work closely with teachers, families, other providers and professionals to create the optimal care team for our students. It's the collaborative model that most effectively supports our students to reach their potential. Sand Hill also strives to replicate the school experience by providing access to art, performing arts, PE, school events and field trips. Our goal is for our students to learn the skills they need to continue their progress outside of our school setting. Our students thrive, they build their self-confidence and ultimately they embrace their learning difference as a superpower.

Produced with Vocal Video