
Melodi Graham: Making a Difference As A Certified Community Health Worker at Chancy Drugs

June 12, 2024

Certified Community Healthcare Workers play a vital role in bridging the gap between healthcare providers and the community. We're dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of our patients.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Melodi Graham, Solution Center Manager

Melodi Graham: Hi, I'm Melody Graham and I'm a community health worker here at Chancy Drugs. Being a community health worker allows me the opportunity to help our patients with public health issues and health care needs as well.

What Does a Community Health Worker Do?

Melodi Graham: The role of a community health care worker is really important to us here at Chancy Drugs. As an example, one of our patients continuously did not have refills and upon speaking with the patients, one of our community health workers was able to find out that the patient did not have transportation to and from his doctors, we were able to call and get the patient transportation lined up. He was able then to go and speak to his doctor, have his doctor's appointment. We were able to get the refills for him that he needed and make sure that he was taken care of with his medications. That's just one small example of what we do every day here.

Produced with Vocal Video