
Lyn Kay for Celebration Video Testimonials

June 20, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lyn Kay

What is your name and occupation? Where do you fellowship and how did you come to be there?

Lyn Kay: My name is Lynn K. My occupation is I work as an assistant at Celebration Churches International in the testimonies department, and I got to start to attend Celebration Center Borrowdale when my father introduced us to the church and we got plugged in into the youth activities that used to take place on a Friday night, and after that I just started coming to Celebration.

Share your story of God doing the miraculous in your life. ( yes to His calling, healing, salvation, overcoming, provision etc)

Lyn Kay: My most recent testimony of God's hand upon my life has to be this position that I acquired at Celebration Churches International, where I work in the testimonies department. So not a lot of people know that four years ago I started my own testimonies blog, a website where I write all the testimonies and I also source testimonies for other people of what God is doing. So it was almost a miracle and a God defined moment when I found out that I would be serving in a new and upcoming department, a testimonies department at Celebration, meaning that I would be doing the very thing that I was doing as a hobby. But now I was going to be doing it for the Lord full time and it's just amazing to me how God connected the dots of a ministry I started four years ago to use it for such a time as this when the church is celebrating 40 years.

Describe when you encountered Jesus in that situation? What was life like before Jesus met you in that miracle & describe your life now

Lyn Kay: I have encountered Jesus each and every day when I come to work because these testimonies keep on encouraging me. They have been growing my faith and I am literally being changed by God. And God is pruning certain bad habits, a lack of faith becoming too familiar with the hand of God and God is just pruning me and I can see that God is at work in my life, that this is a Jesus moment. This is literally Him pruning things as He is the vine dresser and He is helping me to overcome certain things using these testimonies as I watched them daily and increasing my faith and removing the unbelief and everything else that you know was just standing in the way of my relationship with Christ.

Produced with Vocal Video