
Matt Till for Your Electric Bill Story

November 14, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Matt Till

In 30 seconds or less, say your name, where in Florida you live, and how you’ve been impacted by high electricity bills.

Matt Till: My name is Matt from Fort Lauderdale. In the last 12 months, I've paid over $2700 for my electric bill. That's the equivalent of 900 cups of coffee. I love my coffee, but I need electricity. I'm asking the state to hold our electric suppliers accountable to keeping rates low and affordable for every Florida family.

What do you want to say to the utility corporations and Florida’s politicians who are responsible?

Matt Till: Florida families should not have to choose between having a simple cup of coffee or paying their electric bill. We need the state legislature to get involved to bring our rates down today.

Produced with Vocal Video