
Ibrahim El-Nasra for Your Electric Bill Story

September 19, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ibrahim El-Nasra

Say your name and where in Florida you live. How have high electricity bills impacted you? What are your concerns?

Ibrahim El-Nasra: Hello, my name is Ibrahim and I am a resident of Florida. I just wanted to make this video to talk about the FPL price hikes and how it's impacted me and people close to me. So in case you don't know, in Florida it gets really hot, especially during the summers, it can get so hot that if you just leave your ac at 74 it will run all day to compete with just how hot it is outside. This becomes a massive problem when you, you get that bill for the, for the month. Um, and with how expensive rent is here, with how expensive the cost of living is. Every added dollar really does add up. It feels like every month this summer has gotten closer and closer to just being like 200 a month. Um, just between me and my roommate and we, we're taking measures to cut back on our costs. Like we have energy saving light bulbs. Our area is relatively well lit so we don't really need to have light on or during the day. It's only really at night. Um, and we even work. So when we're not home, we have the ac off. So and, and still like it just feels like the our bills keep getting higher and higher and higher and it can be very, very restrictive, very constraining and, and stressful.

What do you want to say to the utility corporations responsible? What do you want Florida's politicians to do?

Ibrahim El-Nasra: I just want to say to utility corporations and Florida politicians that, you know, I understand that businesses want to make a certain margin and given everything that's going on that maybe some price increases are justified, maybe. But some effort needs to be put in to minimize the cost on the consumers, whether it be some, you know, government aid or, you know, some policies to, to, to help deal with these, these added expenses because over time it really does add up and given how expensive everything is in Florida lately that this really does become, you know, a problem for a lot of people and we really need some, some action right now to, to really minimize these, these expenses. Thank you for your time.

Produced with Vocal Video