
Noah for Your Electric Bill Story

September 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Noah

How have high electricity bills impacted you? What are your concerns?

Noah: My name is Noah. I'm a second year law student here in Miami and one of the biggest changes that I've noticed when I moved from my undergrad program out of state back into state. And down in Miami is that my electric bills are exorbitant down here to a degree that I think impacts people disproportionately in Miami than they do in other places. I think that FPL is at fault for this and there needs to be meaningful change to mitigate the circumstances in which they are allowed to take advantage of people. Financially. People don't have the ability to go and pick where they get their electric from. And FPL directly takes advantage of this with their price gouging their exorbitant bills.

Produced with Vocal Video