
Alexandre Monnier Hernandez for Your Electric Bill Story

October 31, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Alexandre Monnier Hernandez

In 30 seconds or less, say your name, where in Florida you live, and how you’ve been impacted by high electricity bills.

Alexandre Monnier Hernandez: Hi, my name is Alex and I'm from Miami. I've lived in a few places during the past few years. But the biggest shock expense I had when coming back here was utilities, prices have gone up everywhere for many different things. But the rates on utilities down here in Florida has been ridiculous. Um, it has made my family and I completely change our habits, reconsider, what we spend on, how we save, it's making it harder for me and my family to save. And it's really getting tougher and tougher to, uh, make ends meet for young people like me and, and people, working people all over my city, my county and my state.

What do you want to say to the utility corporations and Florida’s politicians who are responsible?

Alexandre Monnier Hernandez: Even though I'm young, my life has been filled with deals between politicians and FPL to price gouge citizens and not focus on them. It's time that we demand change and politicians start putting us first and stop allowing FPL to be incentivized to give us worse service and higher prices. Their incentives needs to be aligned with incentives of working people like you and me. That's what's right to do for the people of the state.

Produced with Vocal Video