
Ieva Pute - Cambridge Home School Parent Testimonial

June 22, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ieva Pute

What do you like most about Cambridge Home School Online?

Ieva Pute: What I like most about Cambridge Home School online is this, I just finished an A S level biology lesson and a success coach meeting. And now I'm taking a break by doing the things I love the most like spending time outdoors with the people. I love the most. with CHS I am constantly learning as long as I have an environment that I can focus in CHS has helped me connect two things, one the future by providing me with excellent education and to the present by making me able to love the things that I'm currently doing and enjoy the current moment I am in, enjoy the life that surrounds me right now outside of my studies.

Why did you decide to study in online classes and why did you choose Cambridge Home School Online?

Ieva Pute: We decided to continue with online school after quarantine because I realized that online school eliminates unnecessary aspects of conventional schools such as bullying and limited choices of the subjects you can take. We continue to keep studying at CHS because after going through two different online schools, I realized that the quality of education here is the best as in the lessons are the best quality, very informative. And I get great feedback from my teachers and most of all the teachers are amazing. I really appreciate all of my teachers. I think they have given me motivation to learn more and I'm really excited to be finishing my school years here.

Has learning at Cambridge Home School Online changed you? If so how?

Ieva Pute: Has changed me a little bit, but only in the most positive way. I have become more curious about things that surround me. I'm really curious about the world that I still have to explore, and fundamentally CHS has made me be more in touch with myself. I've had more time with deciding what I like and how I like to live this life. And I'm really thankful for that because it has made me more prepared for the world that awaits me. So, yeah.

As you have been at the school for a while now what advice would you like to give to parents about attending Cambridge Home School Online?

Ieva Pute: I'll be speaking for my mother since she does not know English. But one of the things she said is that if you have any questions or any problems, please do not feel afraid to reach out to anyone from staff because they are extremely helpful and they will try to resolve all your issues. And the second thing is that give your child the freedom to choose what they want to do and what they want to study, et cetera so that they can grow in an environment that is motivated by your support.

Finally, would you recommend Cambridge Home School Online and if so why?

Ieva Pute: We already have recommended Cambridge Home School online and I've even had a former classmate rejoin my class in CHS. And we will continue recommending Cambridge Home School online because it is the perfect opportunity for an online education if you want to pursue that.

Produced with Vocal Video