
Geoff Ruby - Parent Testimonial

June 19, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Geoff Ruby

What do you like most about Cambridge Home School Online?

Geoff Ruby: The thing I like about Cambridge Home school the most are the small class sizes. It means the pupils get a much more attentive education and they're pushed much harder than they would be in a bigger class.

Why did you decide to educate your child online and why did you choose Cambridge Home School Online?

Geoff Ruby: The initial decision to go online for us was mainly due to COVID. We had a very vulnerable person living with us at the time and we weren't happy with the school's approach to protecting people. So we moved online and we've been online ever since. The way we chose Cambridge Online was just lots of research online, Googling and just comparing all the different options. And we decided that CHS was the best.

Has learning at Cambridge Home School Online changed your child? If so how?

Geoff Ruby: I would say going online has meant that our son has had to learn to focus a lot more. And he's also more involved now in after school clubs and activities than he used to be.

As you have been at the school for a while now what advice would you like to give to parents about attending Cambridge Home School Online?

Geoff Ruby: The most obvious advice I can think of is buy a good computer, get a good internet connection and a quiet place with a desk.

Finally, would you recommend Cambridge Home School Online and if so why?

Geoff Ruby: I would highly recommend Cambridge Home school. Our nine year old son has attended CHS for nearly four years now and he's made amazing progress. The small class size means he's pushed a lot more than he used to be. And he loves all the after school clubs and activities and the pupils and the teachers are all really friendly and welcoming. So I would, I would highly recommend it.

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