
Fiona Lee Evans Parent Testimonials Cambridge Home School Online

June 29, 2023

Cambridge Home School Online Reviews

Video Transcript

Speaker: Fiona Lee Evans

What do you like most about Cambridge Home School Online?

Fiona Lee Evans: Hello, I'm Fiona. And CHS has been school for my Children for the past four years. So we've had the chance to be both part of its evolution and the time to properly evaluate the learning experience that it offers. So what do we like about CHS? Well, foremost, we find the classrooms kind, welcoming places. The teachers are lovely. They're highly experienced and they work hard to make their lessons engaging. But most importantly, the Children seem happy. There's a calm chatty camaraderie, there's loads of questions and it just as a parent, it makes you glad that that's where your kids are spending their day.

Why did you decide to educate your child online and why did you choose Cambridge Home School Online?

Fiona Lee Evans: So practically, we chose online learning for its flexibility and CHS for its quality administratively at CHS, everything is recorded. This means families like mine who live rurally at the other side of the world to Cambridge can still learn effectively and everyone live or not has the peace of mind that if their kid misses a class or if they didn't quite understand the concept, they still feel wobbly, they can easily catch up on that. Most teachers are great at supporting publishing, support material as well. So that's really helpful when it comes to end of term end of year. when you need some reference or some revision for tests. in terms of why Cambridge specifically, let me use art as an example. The art course at CHS is a particular treasure, tremendous thought must have gone into designing all of all of the guidance, the lesson delivery, the teacher support. It's really quite impressive and to know that your child has the chance online to study art or music or drama with incredible weekly progress made is certainly compelling for any parent, I think

Has learning at Cambridge Home School Online changed your child? If so how?

Fiona Lee Evans: Overall home schooling with CHS works beautifully for us. It has transformed our children's opportunities. There are no internationally focused schools, high schools within two hours drive of here. And we definitely wanted the kids to be able to look outwards and feel comfortable in whichever place in whichever conversation they find themselves in the future. Thanks to CHS, our eldest did really well in her IGCSEs last year. And in spite of the time differences, she managed to get involved with the non-academic parts of school life too. She was part of the leadership team. She had the chance to practice lots of those invaluable, cross cultural team building and coms skills which let's face, it are hard to do online, but they are an increasingly important part of the way of the world. Our daughter then made a seamless transition to London and where she's continuing her studies and making applications for university. Our other two Children are about to begin their year 10 exam course. So we're really excited about that.

As you have been at the school for a while now what advice would you like to give to parents about attending Cambridge Home School Online?

Fiona Lee Evans: CHS provides a kind but fairly rigorous learning experience. It probably works at its very best in situations where an adult has some degree of oversight of their child's day to day classes. Now, this might be as simple as just asking a few questions afterwards or perhaps being audience for a homework draft, read out loud. We found that just being there regularly and showing genuine interest makes a huge difference to your child's engagement. And if they know any other home schoolers to work alongside for a few days a week, then that's even better. That's something that's worked, really brilliantly for us.

Finally, would you recommend Cambridge Home School Online and if so why?

Fiona Lee Evans: Yes, I would strongly recommend CHS to you with 15 years of online teaching experience under their belt. And so many warm, wonderful educators on the team, they continue to listen to experiment, to innovate to improve our children's learning experience term by term.

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