
Debbie Martindale Parent Testimonials for Cambridge Home School Online

June 30, 2023

Best online school UK video reviews by parents

Video Transcript

Speaker: Debbie Martindale

What do you like most about Cambridge Home School Online?

Debbie Martindale: I thought it might be most useful to have this question answered from my daughter's perspective. She said that she finds it much more welcoming than mainstream schools. There are many different activities that cater to all interests. Classes are accessible for all learning styles and the curriculum is very diverse and interesting. She says she also likes that the timetable structure gives breaks, short breaks between the classes that allows her to come to each lesson, feeling refreshed.

Why did you decide to educate your child online and why did you choose Cambridge Home School Online?

Debbie Martindale: A really good education is something that I've always valued highly and wanted for my child. You can gain what you feel is the best option in education. But if your child's emotional and mental health is suffering, it's never going to be the best environment for them to foster learning. I did a great deal of research into online schools in the UK and even outside of the UK. And as part of that research, I spoke to other parents who had made the decision to choose online education for their Children to discuss circumstances, experiences and the results that they had achieved by making that move, the decision I made to choose Cambridge Home school was because I was really impressed with the pride in education provided and the high aspirations that are sought and strived for the Children there.

Has learning at Cambridge Home School Online changed your child? If so how?

Debbie Martindale: I've got my daughter to answer this question as well. She's in a good place to do so. She says that because of the welcoming, supportive environment, it's made her feel more confident and happier and she believes that her knowledge has grown. She also feels more energised and ready to learn at Cambridge Home School.

As you have been at the school for a while now what advice would you like to give to parents about attending Cambridge Home School Online?

Debbie Martindale: We'd say if your concern is about doing something different, about not attending mainstream schooling and the effect that might have on your child's education. we can assure you that from our experience when Nina first joined Cambridge home school, in actual fact, additional material was needed and provided so that my daughter could meet the level of her classmates, Cambridge home school doesn't limit or reduce the aspirations for education. There's a genuine care about your child. The small class sizes give a real understanding for who they all are and give support for their needs. All of this creates a really great supportive learning environment. on a practical level, find a quiet space uh for your child to take part in classes and a good internet signal. And I genuinely hope that you enjoy watching the change in your child that I've seen.

Finally, would you recommend Cambridge Home School Online and if so why?

Debbie Martindale: My daughter is happy and enjoys school and learning. So yes, I would recommend Cambridge Home School. The transition was remarkably easy and the teachers are exceedingly caring and supportive.

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